Distro :
A specific Package Of linux Operating system Which is distributed by some particular group or company . For example Ubuntu is the linux distro which is distributed by Canonical Ltd.. (by receiving major funding from South African Mark Shuttleworth). Distro is also called flavour .
Gnome :
GNOME Is the Desktop environment and Graphical user interface for Linux System which runs above x-windows system . Gnome is one of the top GUI and desktop manager of Linux system. You’ll see taskbar , startmenu , file manager , desktop panel etc ..in Most of linux distros like old ubuntu , Penguy , Zorin OS etc , These all are Parts of Gnome .
KDE is Desktop manager ,GUI and particular set of applications like Gnome But it has more features .It is Heavy Desktop manager and is Mostly used in Redhat systems like Opensuse , fedora and other Hundreds of distros like Kubuntu , Edubuntu etc .
Window Manager :
Window managers are these framework of x-windows system which handles how the windows on desktop are managed . It contains windows movment , Animation , Docking , Tabbing Etc. Eg : Gnome , KDE, nlightment , WIndowmaker, Fluxbox
Desktop Environment :
Desktop environment are that Framework of x-windows system which handles The Basic operations In Your desktop .
A desktop environment typically consists of icons, windows, toolbars, folders, wallpapers and desktop widgets and other tools to access system functionality. Eg :Gnome , Kde , CDE, XFCE , LVW etc..
Bash :
It’s the scripting language for linux systems . Using Bash You can control inner Functionality of linux system .
Console :
Console is like Cmd in windows . In console You type commands and get suitable output In Command line interface . Console is Most Important part of Linux or any UNIX-like systems .
Apt-get :
Its the Linux command for Debian based distros , which enables user todownload and install particular software package .
Package :
Archived application of linux system is called package . For example , as we call .exe as a executable samely we call .deb as debian package .
Sudo :
Its the important command used in linux system which enables computer user to work as administrator .
Thanks For reading . Like and comment are always welcomed ..
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Part 1 At : http://trickopedia.tk/2014/04/some-useful-linux-terms-and-their-meaning/
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