Hi guys today i came up with new post named "
TEST YOUR BRAIN - COMPUTER QUIZ" , Here i'll post some interesting QUIZ questions ,Hope You'll find it interesting .
1) Who is The first computer programmer of world ?
a. Ada Lovelace
b. Alan Turing
c. Bill Gates
d. Linus torvalds
2) Which is the First Operating system used for real work ?
a. DOS
b. GM - NAA I/o
c. Linux
d. Unix
3) Which is the First operating system having GUI ?
a) Linux
b) Unix
c) dos
d) Lisa /Apple
4) What is apache ?
a) Browser
b) Server
c) Software
d) Operating system
5) What is the world's first browser to display images ?
a) Mosaic
b) NEtscape
c) safari
d) Internet explorer
6) Which of the term is not related to Internet and web development ?
a) Server
b) javascript
c) DOS
d) CGI
7) Who was the founder of Intel Corporation ?
a) Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore
b) LArry page and sergy brin
c) Josephin and paul gavin
8) What company built the first processor in the Apple Macintosh ?
a) Intel
b) Apple itself
c) Motorola
d) AMD
9) HTML tags are Case sensitive ?
a) Yes
b) NO
10) what does LOL stands for ?
a. Log Off Laptop
b. Laughing Out Loud
c. Lack Of Laughter
d. Lag On Laptop
11) What does GOOGLE means ?
a) Hundred zero after 1
b) Thousand zero after 1
c) "Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth "
d) Has no any meaning
12) Which is the First Computer Virus infected in dos?
a) Win32 sality virus
b) HAppy birth day
c) brain
d) macmag
13) Which was the World's first Digital computer ?
a) ABC
b) ECVAc
c) Eniac
d) Lisa
14) Who is father of artificial Intelligence ?
a) john Maccarthy
b) Alan-turing
c) charles babbage
15) Which is the world's first High level programming language ?
a) C
b) C++
c) fortran
d) Delphi
16) Which was the first software company of the world ?
a) Adobe
b) Computer Usage Company
c) Netscape
d) Microsoft
17) Name that application which allows windows programs to run in linux ?
a) Alien
b) Mono
c) Wine
d) deluge
18) Who famously said "640K ought to be enough for anybody."
a. Bill Gates
b. Steve Jobs
c. Steve Wozniak
d. Tim berners lee
19) When was the first email sent ?
a) 1971
b) 1974
c) 1969
d) 1980
20) What was the original Apple computers logo?
a. Rainbow apple
b. Rainbow apple with a bite
c. Red apple
d. Sir Isaac Newton under an apple tree
Answers : Commented later
Thats For Now . Thanks for reading . Good bye .
Comments are always welcomed .
Photo credit : www.messianictrust.org.uk/kids-purim/images/QuizTitle.jpg
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